Snowy Family Portraits | Family Portraits Albuquerque, NM | Family Photography Santa Fe, NM

Snowy Winter Family Portraits in Albuquerque, New Mexico

What a gorgeous family to match a gorgeous snowy day! We met at the Doc Long Trail in the Sandia Mountains which is a just short drive from Albuquerque and boasts a stunning natural landscape. The huge trees and snowy trails made for the perfect backdrop for this family portrait session.

Larger families are super fun to photograph and often do require a little creativity to get everyone to look in the same direction at once (especially with littles) but the Merewethers passed with flying colors! We had a lot of fun and laughs and they sure looked good doing it! Isn’t the couple shot of grandma and grandpa adorable? I hope they are able to cherish these images forever!

If you are interested in our family photo sessions, check out our investment pricing here.

To book your family photo session contact us at 505.903.2195 or We would be thrilled to capture you and your sweet family!

Holiday Family Portraits | Family Portraits Albuquerque, NM | Family Photography Rio Rancho, NM

Holiday Family Portraits in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Gawne Family braved the winter cold for a quick holiday family photo shoot at one of my favorite spots, the Elena Gallegos Open Space in the foothills of the gorgeous Sandia Mountains These sweet boys and their parents were such troopers and thankfully you can’t even tell how freezing cold it was :) How adorable are they in their coordinating plaid shirts and that bowtie on baby boy - so stinkin’ cute!!

I also loved how Mom and Dad were a bit more understated in their black outfits. I always try to make sure to get a solo shot of just Mom and Dad. Isn’t the kissing photo to die for? Definitely frame worthy!

To see more holiday family photo sessions click here. We also do Christmas mini sessions, so keep an eye out for those a few months before the holiday season!

If you are interested in our family photo sessions, check out our investment pricing here.

To book your family photo session contact us at 505.903.2195 or We would be thrilled to capture you and your sweet family!

Winter Family Portraits | Winter Photographer Albuquerque, NM | Winter Photographer Santa Fe, NM |

Winter Family Portraits in Albuquerque, New Mexico

With all of the holidays going on, it’s the perfect time to capture the wonderful memories with some winter family portraits! Dress the family up in their best sweaters and fuzzy boots or winter dresses and bow ties and save the holiday memories with some family portraits like the ones below!

The kids grow up in the blink of an eye and extended family members get busy during the year, some may even live far away. This is why it’s so important to encapsulate those special memories before they fly by and become a distant memory.

I love that I get to be the one to save these memories in an artistic way for families! If you’d like to see more of my work, check out the family gallery here.

Contact us at 505-903-2195